Gateway Region YMCA Sports Programs

Flag Football Drills

Posted by C G on 3/27/2018

Here are five of the YMCA’s favorite flag football drills. Do them in your backyard or in a park and improve your skills! 1. Routes At home or in a park, flag football players can practice running different routes on their own. Simple routes such as 5-yard curls, out routes and deep routes are good ones to practice. A 5-yard curl route consists of the player running in a straight line and then turning around to catch the ball. In an out route, the player runs about 5 yards in a

Mar 27 2018

Choose the Right Sports Equipment for Your Child

Posted by C G on 3/27/2018

Looking for a perfect gift for your child, one that they’ll love to receive and that will encourage them to be active? How about a ball for their favorite sport, or a new sport they will try next year? While many organizations like the YMCA provide balls in their youth sports programs, kids love to have their own ball that they can bring to practices and use when practicing at home. If you’re shopping for youth sports equipment, here are YMCA guidelines that you may find

Mar 27 2018

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